Most of 9-11 was carried out by Saudi's, but Bush ignored that and went after Afghanistan and Iraq. A more precise measured operation to kill the culprits and not destroy a nation may have kept the Middle East from spirally out of control and creating a Global disaster.
Somewhere our pompous (Western ideologues) government got it into their mind that they would 'FREE,' the Middle East and help them to create a new government just like America. They would use Nation Building or what was once called Colonization.
[No on ever asked the Muslim nations if this is what they wanted].
And then America went to work, rebuilding the Middle East to look like us and guess what...they said 'NO.'
They don't want to look like America, act like America and embrace our moral values.
It is time we (MYOB) disengage from the Middle East and let the indigenous people return and decide for themselves what type of government they want.
And since we destroyed their world: #leavetheoil